??? Triple Double ???

Those of us who watch basketball we can certainly appreciate when a player gets a triple double. Better yet, for those of us who play we would be thrilled any day to get a triple double. In most instances the triple double consists of reaching double digits in points, assists and rebounds. We can apply the triple double analogy off the court for the daily goals we set for ourselves.

Let’s Get That Triple Double!

Points – In basketball every time we score a basket we get point(s). Similarly, every time we set goals, whether short or long terms, and accomplish them, we get “points” for it. The idea behind this is to recognize and appreciate the work and effort we put in to reaching our goals. Each time we reach a goal, that’s points earned!

‘The Career DevelopMentor’ goes for the Hook Shot.

Assists – In basketball every time we pass the ball to a teammate and that teammate scores a basket we get an assist. Similarly, every time we help our fellow coworkers or anyone else in that matter towards accomplishing a task, we get an “assist” for it. Assists generally help improve the performance of the overall team. Let’s be that team player and share the ball!

‘The Career DevelopMentor’ passes the basketball for an assist.

Rebounds – In basketball every time we grab the ball after a missed shot we get a rebound. Similarly, we should always be ready to “rebound” and make adjustments to complete our tasks whenever we don’t get things done correctly. Remember, both offensive and defensive rebounds are important to clean up after any missed shots!

It’s Game Time! Let’s Do A Play by Play.

Let’s say you work as a Helpdesk Specialist for a Public Agency. As you start your day in the office you find out that you have 3 new open ticket requests which needs to be completed by end of the day. You also realize that you need to complete upgrading several client laptops. Those are the goals you have set to accomplish for the day.

You set the goal to resolve and close out on all 3 tickets by noon and then work on upgrading the laptops for the remainder of the day in the office. Soon after, one of your coworkers request you to help him with one of his ticket requests. You tell your coworker that you will start your laptop upgrade process after lunch and then help him with his ticket. Thankfully you were able to complete your ticket requests by noon, as planned. Right after lunch you start the laptop upgrade process and move on to assist your coworker with his ticket request.

Later, when you check on the laptop upgrade progress you realize that some of the files needed for the upgrade are corrupt and that you will need to also recover and backup those files. This will require additional time for you to accomplish your goals for the day. You take a moment to think and restrategize. You decide that you will utilize your own desktop as well as your Department’s backup desktop to fix the corrupt files as well as back them up. Doing so will still give you enough time to complete the laptop upgrades before you leave the office.

And you did it! You scored all of your points by completing your tasks. You assisted your coworker to help him get his points. You rebounded by restrategizing after realizing that the files were corrupt. Congratulations! You got that triple double. You are the real MVP!

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