Start Early … Start Drinking … Water That Is!

It all starts with learning to live a healthy lifestyle. So where do we begin? Let’s get into the habit of drinking plenty of water every single day. We already know that drinking water is good for us yet we often neglect to drink enough water throughout the day. Next time we wake up after our night of sleep, let’s start the habit of drinking a full glass of water first thing in the morning.

Why H20 first thing in the morning?

There are many benefits to drinking water first thing in the morning. See below for 3 examples.

  • You mad thirsty! – I know what you are thinking, but it’s not that. SMH. We usually wake up each morning after sleeping for more than 7 hours (hopefully). Our body gets dehydrated since we are not drinking any water during that time and therefore we become thirsty. Let’s quench our thirst first thing in the morning.
  • Get off me! – Our bodies have a lot of toxins from all the junk food we eat. Thankfully we have our kidneys to help flush out the toxins. However, we need to drink enough water for our kidneys to do its job effectively. Let’s get off the toxins first thing in the morning.
  • Pinky and the Brain! – Don’t be Pinky. Be the Brain! When we are not properly hydrated, our brain works on less fuel. This causes us to feel tired and even cause mood swings. Yikes! Let’s be genius and not insane, and drink water first thing in the morning.

Side Note – I realized that I made the Pinky and the Brain cartoon reference in the High School Students section and chances are if you are currently in high school you are not familiar with this cartoon from the mid-late 90s. GOOGLE IT! The pinky, the pinky and the brain brain brain brain . . . . .

How to H20 first thing in the morning?

Creating this healthy habit is quite easy. See below for 2 examples.

  • Don’t Forget! – Let’s use our phones right now to set a daily reminder, starting from the next time we wake up in morning, to drink a glass of water.

  • Love Note! – We can simply place a written note with the reminder next to our alarm clocks or any item, which we normally see soon after we wake up. Drinking water is good for the heart. A note to help us remember that is certainly a love note.

Cheers! Now let’s drink a glass of water to that.